Original article in Indonesian by: Ikhsan Tanjung
Translated and Submitted by a Mujahid
Ramzan 05, 1433 A.H, Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Some people still wonder, what is the need for a Muslim to understand #the_signs_of_the_End_Times? He doesn't realize that, one's ignorance and unconcern of such signs can be fatal for his
For example, the subject on #Imam_Mahdi's arrival. As mentioned in many Hadiths, Prophet
Muhammad رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسـلم had predicted of a man to be sent as the #leader_of_the_Muslim Ummah in the End-Times. This man would fill the Earth with justice after earlier it was filled with #tyrannies
and arbitrariness. Meaning, he will be the Commander of the Muslims in turning the life in this
current age in the fourth chapter –i.e. the chapter of the leadership of Mulkan Jabriyyan
(dictatorial rulers)- heading towards the fifth chapter–i.e. the chapter of the #re_establishment_of_Khilafatun ’ala minhaj an-Nubuwwah ( the #Caliphate_that_follows_the_method_of_the_Prophethood). He would invite us to leave the modern jahiliyyah(#dark_Tyranny_Oppressive) system which is full of
injustices, heading towards the Islamic system which is full of justices, at the final stage of the
age of this earthly world, approaching the Day of Judgment.
“Suppose the world is only one day left, indeed Allah Ta’ala will lengthen that day so it was
sent on that day a man from my offspring (ahlul bayt) whose name is similar to my name and
the name of his father similar to my father's name. He will fill the earth with fairness and
justice, as previously it was filled with injustice and persecution.” (HR Abu Daud 9435)
From the above hadith, some scholars conclude that Imam Mahdi will have the name
'Muhammad bin Abdullah'. Because the Prophet رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسـلم said his name is the same as his name,while the name of his father is also the same as the name of the Prophet's رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسـلم father. That is the reason why the Palestinian fighters, especially the Hamas group, are having the slogan that says:
خیبر خیبر يا يھود جیش محمد سوف يعود
“Ya Yahud (Jews), Khaibar, Khaibar... The Forces of Muhammad will surely return.”
Khaibar is the name of a strong fortress belonging to the Jewish nation which was successfully
uprooted and destroyed by the Islamic armies in the past, some 14 centuries ago. The forces of
Hamas always resound the above slogan to terrify the #Zionist_Jewish_forces. So that the Jewish
nation always remember that, no matter how strong their fortresses are, indeed all those
strengths can be #destroyed_by_the_Islamic_forces when it is willed by Allah, The All-Powerful,
The All-Wise.
Furthermore, the Islamic forces remind that “the forces of Muhammad” will definitely return to
get even. And the term “ #Forces_of_Muhammad” is hinting to the time of the past, namely the
forces of the followers of Prophet Muhammad رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسـلم , and at the same time hinting to the time of the future, namely the forces of the followers of Muhammad bin Abdullah, the man who
would someday arrive, predicated as Imam Mahdi...!
If a Muslim does not have adequate knowledge about Imam Mahdi, the enemies of Islam can
just promote a self-styled Imam Mahdi onto the world stage. That man can claim to be having
the name 'Muhammad bin Abdullah'. The media owned by the kuffar can then promote him in
such a way that he is a man who fits to be the leader of the Islamic Ummah, whereas, he is a
fake Imam Mahdi who would misguide the Islamic Ummah, especially its young generations.
Then the Muslims would come in droves giving bai'at to him, whereas he will misguide every
Muslim from the straight path which Allah is pleased with.
On the other hand, when the genuine Imam Mahdi has arrived, the media of the kuffar will
immediately give labels such as #terrorist, #extremist and the like. And then every ignorant
Muslim or he who never study the hadiths about the appearance and criteria of Imam Mahdi,
will immediately dismiss him in the manner as desired by the kafir media. In the end, forget
about this Muslim just now giving bai’at to Imam Mahdi, on the contrary he will register himself
into the force that is ready to fight against Al-Mahdi. Whereas, Rasulullah رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسـلم clearly bv ordered every believers in the End-Times to prepare himself for welcoming the arrival of Imam
Mahdi. And when his arrival is already clear, Rasulullah رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسـلم commanded us to immediately enlist into his army, regardless of how difficult the situation is at that time.
“When you see him (Imam Mahdi), give bai’at(allegiance) to him, even if you have to crawl over ice.” (HR
Ibnu Majah 4074)
When a Muslim's knowledge is only limited to such information that Imam Mahdi's name is
Muhammad bin Abdullah, then certainly the enemy will easily play around with his limited
knowledge to promote a fake Imam Mahdi. He is not diligent enough in studying other hadiths
about Imam Mahdi in order for him to have an understanding that is relatively intact.
So this Muslim just now will instead be crossing path with the real Imam Mahdi as he is
accustomed to following the whims of the ruling dictator who is powerful in this age full of
fitnah. When the media of the dictatorial rulers dub media the real Imam Mahdi as a terrorist,
then the Muslim moron just now will imitate by calling Imam Mahdi a terrorist. In fact, he will
be filled with studiousness, siding with the camp that is fighting Imam Mahdi under the pretext
of operating a noble project, i.e. “War on Terror.”
My brothers, whoever regards the signs of the End-Times as frivolous, he will indeed be a loser.
Day after day have passed, whereas sign after sign are more and more uncovered before us all.
Be prepared, my Brothers. Let's study while there is still time. Don't waste our lives, while the
Day of Judgment is getting closer...!
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